Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How to remove Duplicolor car paint spray from car windows?

A guy spraying my car got that paint all over the windows and now I need to know what can get it off.How to remove Duplicolor car paint spray from car windows?
If it is the outside of the window, use a single razor blade on 45 degree angle, after 90% of the overspray is off, use the stainless steel pad with some window cleaner, apply some pressure while rubbing off the overspray. DO NOT use thinner, if any of it spills onto the moulding it can ruin it, if it spills onto the paint it will melt the top layer and mess that up, causing more work for you.

For the inside of the window, well I hope you do not have tinted windows, or hopefully there is no overspray on the tint, if so then, that tint is garbage. You will scratch it attempting to clean it.How to remove Duplicolor car paint spray from car windows?
Razor and some paint thinner works good.
Ask the guy spraying your car to do the clean up. Why weren't the windows protected from paint? All it takes is a little time, some newspaper and some masking tape.

If he has vanished for some reason, get a single edged razor blade out and start scraping.

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