Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What is the best way to free up windows stuck by paint?

Carefully run a sharp knife down the seams where the paint covers the joint between the sash and the window frame. Be sure to do both sides, and along the top and bottom if it's painted shut there as well. You MAY be able to work a putty knife with a very thin blade into the crack, but don't count on it.

If you have tough spots, you might be able to soften the paint a bit with a hair dryer. Don't use a heat gun, though - it can blister the paint off. All you want to do is heat it a bit to soften it.

If possible, do all of this in dry weather, when the wood will have shrunk some already. It will make it easier that way. Be patient, and don't force it.What is the best way to free up windows stuck by paint?
Razor bladeWhat is the best way to free up windows stuck by paint?
Try cutting around them with a knife or scraper

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