any kind of black spray paint will work. if you can remove the windows and take them outside its easier than masking them so overspray doesnt get on any window trim. the good thing about spray paint is that it can be easily scraped off with a single edge razor bladeDoes anyone know what kind of paint can be painted on glass windows to block out all light?
Thanks to all who tried to help me with all of their suggestions. Have a great day and a wonderful Christmas season. %26lt;*)))%26gt;%26lt;
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you can also get a sheet of tint 4 windows.. look in the phone book 4 window tint 4 cars.. just might be the way 2 go : )
Yes you can use any kind of paint,any color you choise.Best to paint the inside if you can.That way the weather won't affect the paint to much.Any kind of paint will scrap off glass.Tin foil works good to it reflects the heat.I my self use brown wrapping paper it's heavy and come's in roll's.
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