Most store windows are painted using a water based paint so they can be easily removed and changed. Did you try warm soapy water? otherwise paint thinner (methyl hydrate) Goo is expensive, or get out the old razor blade.Is there a cleaning solution to get paint off store windows?
Try lacquer thinner...about $8 at Wal Mart.
Goo Gone or mineral spirits will work eventually but I gotta tell you - that razor blade thing is not so bad in fact it is damn easy.
Now a days when new homes are built (we are talking about 1/2 to 1 million $ homes and more, not cheap ones) they actually spray the window frames to match the color the buyer had picked out and then a person (thats me) takes a 4 inch wide scraper available at every paint store or Home Depot and scrapes the window using medium force. Try a spray bottle filled with water and a one squirt of joy dish soap to get it moist first, start at the middle and go all the way into the glazing, do the whole window (not just where you can see the paint, cause there will be more than you can see at first) use clean, dry, and lint free towels on your final pass and most important if you drop the blade change it PERIOD
depends on what type of paint they used....
if it is a plastic ( acrylic) use a hair dryer to soften it - then it should just peel off not laugh it works....
if it is a poster type paint - saturate with water then scrape off in strips...
if it is household paint that is a bugger to remove then try dampening it with a sponge saturated in metho - (remember do not smoke whilst doing this lol )
try using a paint scraper - it covers more of an area than a razor blade and safer too
Thats all i know of that will work ...
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